What inspired you to join Adventure Boot Camp?
A friend of mine who was attending already told me about it and so Idecided to join. I liked it and never looked back.
What is your ideal weight and how far are you from achieving it?
My goal is to live a healthy lifestyle and to drop four dress sizes. I am well on my way to achieving all this because I’ve dropped a dress size already.
How has your lifestyle changed?
I spend at least three hours working out at ABC and cut sugar out of most of my food.
Is being healthy hard?
Absolutely, it’s not an easy task and my love for food doesn’t help but I don’t regret choosing a healthier lifestyle.
What eating tips do you have to share with our readers?
Eating smaller portions is my secret. You can manage your diet by eating smaller portions and still be full.
Pap, samp and bread are some of the staple foods in our culture. Do you eat them and if so, how often and how much?
Luckily for me I stopped eating pap over 11 years ago, I didn’t really like it but will eat it every three months or so, and I only eat bread three times a week.
Being healthy is…..
The best decision I have ever made in my life.
What keeps you motivated in winter?
I feel energised after a great workout so that keeps me motivated to get up and go.
What advice do you have for people at home who need to lose weight but don’t know where to start?
It may sound cliché, but it’s a true fact. In order for you to lose weight you need to start eating healthy, because 80% of losing weight is in the diet. Balance this out with a workout and you will lose the weight easily.