Noise-induced hearing loss is the only kind we have the power to prevent. Our world is filled with loudness from phones and music concerts. “Noise-induced hearing loss happens because excessive noise damages some of the hearing mechanisms in the inner ear,” says Tally Sherban, a client relations executive at Oticon South Africa, a leading hearing aid manufacturer. “The simplest way to start protecting your hearing is by limiting the amount of time you expose your ears to loud noise.”

- Stay as far away from the source of noise as possible, don’t stand right by the speaker.
- Walk away when sounds get too loud.
- At home, turn down the volume on the television and radio.
- In noisy environments, try to rest your ears as frequently as possible by moving to a quieter place for a while.
- If you have a choice, rather use cushioned earphones than small insert earphones.
- If you are exposed to sudden loud noise, use earplugs.