Everyone has the ‘New Year, new me’ bug, and some of our local celebrities share videos of how they keep their bodies in shape. Here are tips and tricks on how you can master these in the comfort of your home.
Kelly Khumalo

Watch Kelly’s fitness video here and if you want to try it, here’s how:
- Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet touching the floor.
- Lift your shoulders off the floor upwards using your stomach muscles for support then stand up.
- Sit back down and repeat this movement.
Thembi Seete

Watch Thembis’s fitness video here and if you want to try it, here’s how:
- Lie flat on your back then bend your knees with your feet touching the floor.
- Cross your arms over your chest with your hands touching your shoulders. (If you don’t have a training partner)
- Lift your shoulders off the floor upwards using your stomach muscles for support then back down.
- It’s important to keep your back straight when you lift your whole back off the floor as this could strain it.
- If you have a training partner, ask them to assist you by catching your weight ball as you sit up
Denise Zimba

Watch Denise’s fitness video here and if you want to try it, here’s how:
- Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart and your feet facing slightly outward then place your hands on your waist
- Option: Use a bar for weight, this will help burn more kilojoules.
- Keeping your back straight.
- Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor then stand up straight.
Pabi Moloi

Watch Pabi’s fitness video here and if you want to try it, here’s how:
- With your legs extended, keeping your body as straight as possible, balance on your forearms and toes.
- Hold this same position then raise your buttocks to the roof then back to the starting position.
- Do this for a full minute then rest, repeat this 5 times.
- Make sure you keep your body straight (shoulders in line with your bum which should be in line with your ankles). Keep your abs tight to stop your back from bending.