Summer is here and with or heated sun we forget to play safe. Regardless of your age, gender or even age, everyone needs protection from the sun. With about 20 000 reported cases and 700 deaths every year, Skin Cancer is South Africa’s most common form of cancer. It is important to educate yourself on ways to take better care of your skin. Many cases of skin cancer can be prevented by following some precautions. Making simple changes to your day out at the beach may just save your life.
Dr Nicola Rains, a general practitioner at NHC Health Centres shares the following tips on taking better care of your skin:
- Avoid the sun when its rays are the strongest which is between 10am and 3pm.
- Always apply the sunscreen every two hours and spreading onto your skin that is exposed to the sun.
- UV light can still penetrate through clouds so apply sunscreen even when its cloud.
- Just spending 30 minutes in the sun without protection is enough to cause damage to your skin
- Do not use petroleum jelly on a burn.
- Make sure to use good quality sunscreen, preferably one with a broad-spectrum and high SPF (the higher the SPF the stronger the protection).