Virgin Active Personal Trainer Sihle Mbatha shares diet tips to help you get your washboard abs. In order to sculpture a strong and defined core, you need the best workout and the right foods to help maintain those muscles. Follow these nutritional tips to keep your abs in check:

- Your workout will never work if your diet is incorrect, so always keep a balance.
- Too much pap, beer and being inactive are the reasons men have potbellies. Too much of anything is never good for you.
- A high intake of protein will help your metabolism work faster to burn fat in the body.
- You need to cut carbs and junk food out in the beginning of your diet to allow your body to get into a healthy routine of eating and working out.
- Eating carbs during lunch is healthy than at supper, because your body still has time to burn some of it off. The earlier you eat them, the better.
- It’s alright to have cheat days over the weekend; you can have a few drinks but don’t do it often.
- Food that is high in fiber will help keep your body regular and help it function better.
- Drinking a lot of water helps the body transport unwanted waste out of the body.
- Always include vegetables and fruits in your diet.