Winter is here and gaining weight can be a tad bit easier than any other time. Three celebs share their diet tips to help you stay in shape.
I believe bodies differ so what works for me may not work for the next person but with that being said I’ve found that nothing beats eating healthy and exercising consistently. TIP: Drinking a lot of water to keep your body hydrated and avoiding sugary food and drinks also goes a long way. Even drinks that are considered sugar- free still do have a substitute for the sugar content so try to rather drink freshly squeezed juices or water instead.
You need to listen to you body as it will always show you what it’s lacking and what it needs. TIP: Not all foods that are considered healthy will work for your body so take the time to go to the doctor, get blood tests and figure out what foods you should be eating as you may be allergic to some things that you weren’t aware of. I find that drinking water before I eat helps with digesting your food and breaking it down properly. I also find that apple cider vinegar works very well with maintaining my healthy eating/diet plan as it helps to improve your metabolism, and it also has cleansing properties. Sometimes you can’t physically eat everything you need to keep your body healthy so I rely on mulitvitamins to give my body anything that it may be lacking.
Fitness is very important to me, and I try to work out at SWEAT1000 at least 3 times a week. It’s a great hour-long workout and I always leave feeling energised. TIP: I make sure that I drink enough water throughout the day, and if I decide to have a hot drink, I opt for rooibos tea with honey. I try to cut out as much sugar as I can. I also like to have wheatgrass tots, and as much as I don’t like the taste, they’re so incredibly good for you. My diet consists mainly of fish, chicken breasts and salmon. Salmon is great for your skin and is loaded with protein and omega-3’s. Overall, I would like to think that I am a very healthy eater, and I take pride in looking and feeling good.