When you’re feeling down, it’s hard to get out of it. Use these guidelines as a step towards getting help.
Sometimes, you struggle to find happiness and often don’t have a positive outlook on life. Cassey Chambers, operations director of The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), says depression is a serious illness. When left untreated, can lead to serious consequences. Getting the right treatment for depression is important and there are many ways that one can receive it.
- Share your feelings with your friends and family instead of keeping them to yourself. A support group can be useful.
- Try to take part in activities you previously enjoyed.
- Set yourself a realistic daily routine and try to stick to it as much as possible.
- Learn to make small goals that you can reach and celebrate every achievement.
- Avoid making big decisions, such as changing jobs, until you’re feeling better.
- Don’t drive yourself too hard and learn to lower impossible standards.
- Make time for physical activities ¬– being outside can revitalising.
- Maintain a well-balance diet, as this prevents tiredness and helps to stabilise moods.
- Use relaxation techniques to minimise stress and anxiety.
- Learn more about depression to help remove the fear, guilt and misconceptions many people have.
The South African Depression and Anxiety Group contact details: 011 234 4870 or admin@anxiety.org.za.