Finding your calm can’t be easy if you always prefer dwelling on the bad, and finding your Zen can be a challenge if you’re not much of the peacekeeper. However, once in a while you really need to keep to yourself.

These 5 Zen moments could be useful to you:
You are rushing from one meeting to the other, and your FOMO (fear of missing out) tendencies have you attending every social event on the calendar. You thus have no moment to chill. You need to take the time out, stop for a second and breathe; literally. Once a day, take some time to do some breathing exercises; in the long run, this will help you slow your pace.
You’re frustrated about a date that went wrong and have psyched yourself into thinking the guy won’t call you back. Thinking this way is completely unnecessary because you can’t predict that, so don’t make any assumptions. The best thing you can do in a moment of worry is to let go and let God. Don’t worry about small things!
It is often said that yoga isn’t for anyone. Sure, not all of us can hold the perfect posture, but a yoga class, or even DIY yoga or Pilates session will help you find your Zen; bringing you the calm you need. Yoga can assist you to find different ways to be peaceful, helping you stay collected when you want to be angry.
Whether it’s going home to drink a glass of wine or shooting hoops with your netball team, you will find joy in doing what you love, away from the things that stress you. Surrounding yourself with people that you love and doing activities that make you feel good about yourself is a good way to stay happy and less likely to be negative.
If you think it, you will be it! You can only find your Zen if you want to live a peaceful life. You, therefore, have to mentally prepare yourself by thinking positively and one of the ways to do this is by finding solutions to problems instead of having screaming matches and blaming others.