We share quick and easy exercises to get your body tight and toned like some of our favourite local celebs.
Get awesome arms like Minnie Dlamini
Exercise: Push ups
Starting position: Lie facing down flat on the floor with your hands slightly below your shoulders.
The movement: Push your body off the ground until your arms arm straight. Keep your body straight by making sure your ankles, hips and shoulders are in line. Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor then push back up to starting position keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible.
How to have flat abs like Nomzamo Mbatha
Exercise: Crunches
Starting position: Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet touching the floor. Cross your arms over your chest with your hands touching your shoulders.
The movement: Lift your shoulders off the floor upwards using your stomach muscles for support then back down. It’s important not to lift your whole back off the floor as this could strain it.
Boost your butt like Bonang Matheba
Exercise high knee jumps
Starting position: Stand with your feet hip width apart.
The movement: Lift your left knee up until it’s in line with your hip bone then drop it back down. Lift your right knee as you lower your left knee. Count only when your left foot touches the ground and keep alternating knees. The faster you move the more effective the exercise.