The festive season is a time to be merry, but is also notorious for alcohol abuse and sickness. People tend to drink more over the holidays – from just a glass to toast the year that has passed to partying up a storm till morning.
Ofentse Tlou, a dietician, shares these easy and quick health tips to cure hangovers.
Fizzy drinks
Your body lacks energy when you have a hangover, and a sugar boost is one of the things that can help reboot you. Fizzy drinks contain sugar that can boost your sugar levels, as well as carbon dioxide to relieve you.
Plain crackers or toast
Food that is high in carbohydrates (starch) will be heavy on the stomach, which means it will line your stomach, and slow down your body from absorbing alcohol and the chemicals in the alcohol that leave you feeling sick for the rest of the day.
Greasy food
The morning after a crazy night always seems incomplete without a greasy breakfast. Greasy food is filled with fats that will line the stomach and help slow down the absorption of alcohol in your body.
Your body uses water to function on a daily basis, and alcohol is known to dehydrate it. This leaves you with a headache and nausea. Drinking water will help rehydrate your body and make it function better.
Drinking multivitamins is great for your overall health and should be done either way. Drink multivitamins to replenish your body as alcohol depletes them and other nutrients.