Any nuts are a convenient snack to have and can be enjoyed at any time, the macadamia nuts are tasty and can be enjoyed with some diet plans.
Macadamia nuts are healthy with the best omega-3 to omega-6 ratio and are therefore a healthier choice to have every day if you chose to.
According to Healthline the nuts are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, yet low in carbs and sugar. Some of other health benefits from Macadamia nuts are as follows:
- Like most nuts, macadamia nuts are a great source of antioxidants. This antioxidant fights inflammation and helps lower cholesterol. These compounds may even protect against cancer and brain diseases.
- They can lower the risks of getting heart diseases, researchers believe the heart benefits of macadamia nuts may come from their high monounsaturated fat content.
- They can help reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.
- May aid weight loss from not containing carbs.
- Macadamia nuts contain fiber, which can benefit your digestion and overall gut health.
According to Farmer’s weekly the nuts are harvested from Mpumalanga to Pongolo in KwaZulu Natal, where there are sugar cane areas. The industry is highly attractive to investors. Farmers had been struggling to make profit from sugar cane and are now strongly expanding their crops for nuts.
“South Africa’s macadamia industry is expanding by over 3 000ha/year and the planted area has reached around 30 000ha. While Pongola’s 2 000ha may seem small, the farmers here have only recently begun planting macadamias, and most trees are not yet in production.” – says Linda Botha from Farmer’s weekly
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