Its holiday season and for many, this means spending time on the road and in the air, mingling with other travelers. Travel brings different people together in a confined space. In these circumstances infectious disease can readily pass between people because of their close proximity to each other, which can result in an increased risk of infectious disease outbreaks and illness.

Dr Kgosi Letlape, member of the Global Hygiene Council and Dettol goodwill ambassador shares 4 top tips to keeping your family and yourself healthy and safe en route.
Tip 1: Put hand hygiene first
- Hand washing is particularly important when travelling because of increased contact with other travelers and the different germs they may be carrying.
- Wash hands often with antibacterial soap and warm water, effectively rubbing all areas of the hands for at least 20 seconds, followed by rinsing with clean running water. 2, 3
- Always wash hands after travelling on public transport and avoid touching the face, especially nose or mouth area, until hands have been washed.
- Carry hand sanitiser and antibacterial wipes for those times when you don’t have access to running water. “Make hand hygiene a priority when travelling and your chances of getting sick will dramatically decrease,” says Dr Letlape.
Tip 2: Use the right cough etiquette
- Always cough or sneeze into your elbow or sleeve, not hand or fist.4
- If using a tissue, discard immediately, and always wash your hands after coughing or sneezing.
Tip 3: Surface hygiene
- Travelling often means staying in hotel rooms which can harbor microorganisms. While rooms may be cleaned, it helps if you disinfect commonly used items like the phone, TV remote and door handles with antibacterial wipes.5
Tip 4: Eating and drinking while travelling
- This should be common practice whether travelling or not, but always wash your hands with antibacterial soap and running water before eating.
- Bottled water is generally safest, depending on where you are travelling to.
During travel, where handwashing facilities may not be easily accessible, antibacterial hand sanitisers provide a convenient solution allowing people to disinfect their hands and minimise their risk of contracting and transmitting an infectious disease, and allow you to arrive at your destination healthy and ready to relax!