The festive season is the perfect time to relax, spend time with loved ones, soak up the sun and enjoy some much-needed time off. With a bit of forward planning, you can have a stress-free, healthy holiday.
Clicks Pharmacist, Waheed Abdurahman, shares ways to deal with the most common health issues, so you can focus on fun over the festive season:
The Problem
While it’s best to avoid sunburn altogether, remember that as little as 15 minutes of sun exposure can result in scorched skin.
The Fix: Apply a topical anti-inflammatory gel, or taking an antihistamine tablet to relieve itchiness and discomfort. Once the skin starts to heal, apply an unscented moisturising cream.
The Problem
Motion sickness
The Fix: If you’re prone to car-sickness, try and focus on a single object outside of the car. Don’t read as this makes motion sickness worse. It’s best to avoid rich, fatty foods and dairy products before a trip – rather stick to plain foods, like dry crackers.
The Problem
Upset stomach
The Fix: Wash your hands regularly and keep a hand sanitiser in your bag. Drink bottled water if you’re holidaying in an unfamiliar place, and consider a course of probiotics if you’re prone to stomach troubles.
The Problem
The Fix: Make sure you include high fibre-foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your holiday feast and try a herbal tea if you suffer from spasms and bloating. There are also a number of over-the-counter remedies especially formulated to aid digestion. Eat a full meal before drinking – a full stomach slows down absorption of alcohol.
The Problem
Insect Bites
The Fix: If you’re going to spend time outdoors in the evening, wear light-coloured clothing that covers your arms and legs and use a mosquito deterrent in either a stick or spray.
Safety Checklist:
A first-aid kit need not be an expensive purchase. Make sure yours has the following:
• Motion sickness medication
• Topical steroid cream for sunburn
• Insect repellent
• Eye drops for salt water, sand and other irritations
• Eardrops for ear infections from swimming
• Prescription medication
• Antihistamine tablets for allergic reactions
• Antihistamine tablets for stings and bites
• Paracetamol or aspirin
• Calamine lotion for sunburn or rashes
• Sterile gauze and burn dressing
• Adhesive bandages and plasters
• Antiseptic cream
• Tweezers