As winter sinks in, so does the flu season. Fighting the sniffles and boosting your family’s immune systems should be part of your health plan to help see you and your family through the flu and cold season.
Germ free
Bacteria and viruses transfer from fingertips onto the skin and can live up to three hours on any surface. It’s important to wash your hands often to help disinfect them from any germs you could have picked up from a surface or from a sick person that coughed, sneezed or spoke to you.
Fitness is key
The more fit you are, the better your lung function, which helps pump oxygen to the brain and boosts your bodily functions in order to protect your immune system. Keep warm at all times when exercising as this will improve your muscle function and protect you from getting sick.
Let’s drink
There is no difference in the seasons when it comes to drinking plenty of water. So always keep hydrated by drinking liquids like water, tea and soup in winter. You may not sweat as much in winter as you do in summer, but water is still being lost in water vapour through your breath, so keep hydrated.
Sleep is vital to your body as this is when most organs rest and recover from the day’s hard work. Lack of sleep makes your body prone to catching the flu and cold.
Eat right
Bridget Hill, a Futurelife dietician, shares what foods to eat in winter to help boost your immune system.
“Adding certain foods to your diet can definitely boost your immune system and keep you healthy during the fast approaching winter season,” shared Bridget. Try:
– Yoghurt
– Oats and cereal such as Futurelife
– Garlic
– Chicken Soup
– Sweet potato
– Mushrooms
Say no to these foods:
1. Alcohol weakens your immune system and dehydrates you.
2. Dairy products are packed with great nutrients such as Calcium but can increase mucus production.
3. Juices are loaded with extra sugar and that sugar can reduce the ability of white blood cells to fight off illness.
4. Fried foods high in fat cause inflammation and this results in a less active immune system.