Are you struggling to make yourself happy, even though you’re surrounded by great friends, a loving family and a doting boyfriend? We can help.

You can experience good moments with your family and friends, but when you sit alone and start to think about your life, you realise that you can’t bring yourself joy, and struggle to find happiness within you. We hope these guidelines will be of help.
You are too busy making others happy and letting them know how special they are in your life, but you haven’t stopped to recognise your awesomeness. In order to be happy, you need to make a list of all your specialties that will help you make realise just how incredible you really are.
You are often very honest with yourself about how you look; you mock yourself instead of seeing the goodness in you. When seeking joy within, this is the last thing you should do. Try throwing in some compliments to yourself; yes your butt’s big, but this is a glass half-full moment you should embrace.
Sure, you seem satisfied with everything in life – your job is amazing, your boyfriend is extremely hot, your friends stick around and your children don’t give you any trouble. However, no matter the amount of joy others bring into your life, you need to bring joy in yours by creating it in different spaces. Sitting in front of the television to watch your favourite comedy series is one way, visiting the nail salon is another. Whichever one you choose, makes sure it leaves you with a smile on your face.