A simple rational way to stop sabotaging yourself is to detox the mind. Detoxification is a cleansing process that happens in and around us. As rain washes pollution out of the air, the same function of detoxification working in nature has to occur in the mind. Toxins are not only around us but inside our bodies too, and can be harmful. Our mind is polluted by stress, tiredness and even harsh emotions that are not always easy to ignore and keep out. Metro FM news reader Melanie Bala tells us how she does it.
What goals did you set in the beginning of the year and what actions did you take to achieve them?
Before setting new goals, I check if there are any ‘leftovers’ that I didn’t get around to do, then start with those first. I’m a great believer in being realistic, so whatever the goal is, I’ll try and break it down into manageable tasks, for example I set goals to do before a certain time frame: Step 1 by April, Step 2 by July and so on.
How do you keep your mind stimulated?
Definitely through reading. I’ve always loved reading and find it’s the thing that most forces me to stay engaged.
How do you deal with stress?
Stress differs and so will the ways to deal with it. I deal with stress in a variety of ways, like taking some quiet time to meditate, yoga or even a massage.
How do you mentally prepare for the year and change of time?
I let go of what was. Often we tend to not move forward in our lives because we’re beating ourselves up about what could have and should have been, and there is no value in that. Inasmuch as every day you’re given a brand new slate, a new year and season are also like that. It’s a chance to begin again.
People set new year’s resolutions and round this time look back to see if they have achieved them. Are you a believer in resolutions and how far are you with achieving yours ?
No, I am not a “new year’s resolution person”. I tend to set smaller goals or targets throughout the year and work hard on achieving them.
How do you deal with mental negativity? (Bad thoughts, people who are negative all the time, etc.)?
I remove myself from the situation. If it’s toxic people, I choose not to hang with them. If it’s a negative thought, I try and find the upside. You can’t keep putting yourself in that environment and then moan about it afterwards.
How do you mentally detox (e.g. do you go away alone, meditate)?
I’d say the same ways as above, in terms of dealing with stress, as well as travelling out of Johannesburg. De-stressing is detoxing for me.