Do energy drinks immediately make you sleepy? Here is why The whole purpose of an energy drink is to boost your energy and keep you wide awake right? However,...
The newly found way to measure your state of health For years we have been taught to look at BMI (Body Mass Index) as a signifier of our state of health...
Are you sound sensitive? This is what misophonia looks like Have you ever been caught off guard by an ordinary sound, like the rustling of a chip bag or the tap...
Is there a reason to worry about your mole? Here’s when to consider it seriously There are times when we tend to overlook things and say, “It cannot be serious.” Nowaday...
Matters of the heart: Understanding transposition of the great arteries Imagine your baby taking their first breath in this world, only to find that the pathways of their h...
Reasons why you drool while sleeping I’m pretty sure nobody would want to admit to drooling in their sleep because it is both embar...
Straighten up: Why visiting a chiropractor could change your life I don’t have to preach about the importance of our physical well-being. Moving your body is a bles...
What you need to know about hypothermia As the rare and unexpected snowstorm recently blanketed parts of KwaZulu Natal in the middle of spri...
Toothpicks vs flossing: Why dentists warn against using toothpicks Dentists strongly recommend flossing for many reasons. First and foremost, it is more effective, whi...
Health benefits of pickle juice You know how it’s always advised to replace unhealthy foods with more nutritious ones? You cou...
5 Impressive health benefits of eating lentils Lentils are tiny but are packed with nutrients that offer numerous health advantages. They are a ver...
Relax, breath, birth: Unpacking the science behind hypnobirthing We can all agree that for most women, the fear of giving birth is a real thing, specifically the fea...