Signs of anorexia to watch out for It is common for you to have little or no appetite sometimes, it might be because you are stressing ...
Home remedies for blurry vision Several factors might temporarily cause your vision to be blurred, oftentimes, this doesn’t ne...
Effective ways to clean your ears There’s often confusion on the issue of cleaning your ears, you know you have to clean them be...
Here’s what causes high testosterone in women Testosterone is known to be a hormone produced by men and needed for the male’s reproductive s...
Reasons behind your swollen gums We always try by all means to take care of our teeth because clean teeth equal a beautiful smile. Wh...
What causes chest infections in toddlers? Why do most kids in their toddler years and younger have chest complications? It is associated with ...
Tips for a fast C-section recovery The post-natal period for mothers can be a painful process for some women, especially first-time mom...
How safe is anaesthesia for kids? For a parent, the idea of a child going for surgery is terrifying, you wish you could trade places w...
What your BMI is telling you Expert Annie Deadman shares the best way to tell if your body is a healthy size and suggests ways to...
Reasons why you go to the loo more at night Waking up to use the loo – twice or more is known as nocturia – can disrupt the all-important sl...
Can antidepressants cause weight gain? It is normal that when you undergo certain medications, there are changes or side effects that come ...
This is what snoring could be a sign of Most people snore, and it is often considered not a big deal when someone does because it is almost ...