It may be a bit late for New Year resolutions, but it’s never too late to think about how we can save and use one of our most precious resources – water. Since 1993, 22 March has been observed as World Water Day to help spread the knowledge of how important water is, and how we should save as much as possible.
5 Facts on how water helps your diet
Water is important to your diet for many reasons. Drinking water every day is one of the best ways to help you lose and maintain your weight. Water is life and without it our bodies can’t function properly. Here’s why water is vital:
Helps cure constipation: The food you eat is first processed in the small intestines after which it travels to the large intestines. If your body is dehydrated, the large intestines soak up water from your waste, which causes constipation. Water helps prevent constipation and bloating.
Prevents muscle and bone pains: Water is an important nutrient in our body as it also helps us grow and develop. Your body needs to be hydrated in order to help develop muscle and burn fat in your body. Proper hydration from water helps lubricate (moisturise) the joints in your body to help move with ease.
Fills you up: Drinking water while you eat your meals will fill your stomach up quicker, which will result in you eating less food.
Burns calories: Cold water helps burn more calories in your body. Your body uses more energy to warm cold water and that’s how you lose weight. When your body burns kilojoules, it creates toxins and water helps flush out toxins.
Keeps you hydrated: When you exercise you lose water faster because you’re sweating. Remember to drink enough water so your body does not become dehydrated.
How much water should you really drink?
Water makes up 60 per cent of our body weight and is needed to help all our organs function. Make sure your body is hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. We have all heard that one should drink eight glasses of water every day but dieticians now say you don’t have to drink as much as that. The temperature, the amount of activities you do and your weight influence the amount of water your body needs. When you drink enough water, your urine will have a light yellow or clear colour. When you feel thirsty it means your body is already dehydrated. Drink water in advance to keep the balance.