We can’t always help it when nature takes over and things fall apart, but perhaps in that moment, there is a way to keep you in one piece.

When everything goes wrong – your boyfriend dumping you, your favourite shoes breaking, or a family member is diagnosed with a deadly disease – have you ever stopped to adjust your way of thinking? I know I have struggled to see the good in my problems as they happen. However, with time, I have learnt to be positive. Perhaps, these tips can help you:
When everything happens, the moment you find yourself filled with rage, stop! You will give yourself a heart attack. Take it in and acknowledge what just happened, so you can be realistic in solving it without the bitterness.
Instead of crying about what you failed to do or complaining about unrealistic deadlines, take ownership of your wrongdoing and find a solution.
Dealing with your ‘bad luck’ can be painful, so instead of dwelling on it, let the moment pass. Give yourself time to let it go and remember that it can only be temporary.
When things go wrong, they often leave a scar. That scar is a symbol of your strength, it proves that you are brave. Whether you caused the wrong doing in your life, or someone else did, the end result is always the same – when you come out of it, you will always be wiser.
If you are a risk taker and believe in life to the fullest, then there is a possibility that something could go wrong because life isn’t perfect. You can’t stay away from trying new things because you fear that something could go wrong, go out and live your life; take the plunge. We have no idea what the future has in store for us, while we hope the wrongdoings aren’t too grave, let us let fate take over.