Braai season is upon us and as much as we all love getting our chow on, if you’re not careful you can end up with food poisoning.
Dr. Kgosi Letlape, Dettol representative and member of The Global Hygiene Council says cases of food poisoning double over the summer. Handling raw meat safely in warm conditions is essential to prevent upset stomachs. He adds that our laid-back approach to braai hygiene is a key contributor to the increase in summer cases of food poisoning, which in severe cases can lead to hospitalization.
Here are his three tips for avoiding this:
1. Wipe surfaces. It is important to avoid using dishcloths to clean as new research reveals that nine out of ten are ‘heavily contaminated’ with bacteria such as E.coli.2 Make sure surfaces are hygienically clean and grease free by using an antibacterial surface spray that doesn’t leave a harsh chemical residue, and kills bacteria that could contaminate cooler boxes, garden tables and other surrounding braai surfaces.
SEE ALSO: 5 minutes with Jan Braai
2. Wash your hands. Almost half of frequently touched items and surfaces are contaminated with potentially harmful bacteria3, therefore it is essential for guests to wash their hands when handling food or before eating. Use anti-bacterial hand wash and clean running water. If there’s no access to running water, use wipes or waterless hand sanitizer.
3. Clean all utensils. Studies have found that E.coli can survive for over 28 days on stainless steel surfaces4 such as cooking utensils. It’s important to keep them thoroughly clean. Remember to think about using separate tongs, cutlery and utensils when handling cooked and uncooked meat to prevent cross contamination. Happy braaing!