We’re happy to officially announce that our new editor is Bongiwe Tshiqi. She took time out of her busy schedule to chat to us about her amazing journey with the BONA brand and team. Get to know her better in our heart-warming chat below.
1. Tell us about your upbringing, family and educational background.
I was born and raised in Benoni, Johannesburg. I have two siblings (younger sister and brother) and like most black families in SA, I also have a whole lot of cousins who are basically my sisters and brothers. We have a HUGE family. I went to high school in Gauteng and did my BTech in Journalism at the Durban University of Technology.
2. How did you break into the media industry?
Right after varsity I interned at East Coast Radio in Durban. They hired me permanently after my trial period and the rest as they say is history.
3. Describe yourself in five words.
Inquisitive, fun loving, liker-of-things, traveller and avid reader.
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4. Share your journey at BONA magazine.
I joined the team in 2015 as a digital editor and working on such a dynamic brand has been incredible.
5. What went through your mind when you got the news of being the new BONA editor?
Excited and anxious. I was thrilled because I think this is such an important publication for SA women and I couldn’t believe I was getting the chance to steer it. Anxiety because it is a profound responsibility. But I truly believe that if you’re about to start a new project and you’re not nervous, then you probably aren’t all that excited about it to begin with. The nerves let me know I’m on the right path.
6. Of all the editors who’ve worked on the BONA brand, what difference do you hope to achieve?
I hope to carry on the legacy of ethical reporting. BONA is a trusted source of information and I will ensure that continues. I also intend to expand the reach of the magazine and ensure that it becomes the go-to for all black women who want to be inspired, entertained, educated or simply reminded of their value.
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7. Share five lessons that you’ve learnt since leading the BONA team.
1. I’ve learnt to trust my instincts
2. To think out of the box
3. Listen to and engage my team
4. Constantly look forward
5. Not to sweat the small stuff
8. You’ve worked as the digital editor of BONA magazine since 2015. What have you learnt about the brand from that experience?
BONA readers are very proud of who they are and where they come from. They are family oriented and extremely aspirational. Others are continuing to study while others are starting their own small businesses. They are an intelligent, spirited and inspiring group of people and it’s such a pleasure to interact with them.
9. What advice would you give to young, black women who wish to follow in your footsteps?
Hard work is everything and also, trust your own vision.
10. Should readers wish to connect with you online, what are your social media handles?
Twitter is the best bet. It’s @BongiweTshiqi