Get up to R50 000 Deal Assistance
Deal Assistance is a benefit offered by Auto Pedigree to provide you with the flexibility to structure a deal according to your needs.
Select from a wide range of quality used low kilometre, late model sedans, hatch-backs, bakkies, kombis, SUV’s in all the popular brands like Toyota, VW, Ford, Hyundai, Kia, Nissan and more.
What is the benefit of deal assistance? When you purchase the vehicle of your choice you can determine how to allocate your Deal Assistance.
How can Deal Assistance be used when buying a vehicle?
1. Settlement:
Settle the outstanding amount owing if there is a shortfall on your trade-in, rather than using your savings.
If you’re looking to buy a new car and need to sell your existing one, a vehicle trade-in is probably one of the easiest options.
If the car you intend to trade-in is still under finance and the settlement value (the final amount still to be paid) is higher than the price you have been offered, then you need to pay in the difference from your savings.
The good news is that if a dealer offers you trade assistance (also known as deal assistance) you can add that offered amount to your vehicle purchase. This deal assistance amount helps to cover some or all of the settlement value of the new vehicle.
2. Deposit
Use your Deal Assistance amount as a deposit to lower your monthly instalment.
In terms of the National Credit Act, there is no minimum cash deposit required on a vehicle purchased, whether new or used. However, it is advisable to include a deposit towards the selling price of the vehicle. This can be in the form of a trade-in, should you want to replace an existing car, or in the form of cash.
This is one of the options in Auto Pedigree’s R50,000* vehicle Deal Assistance. The Deposit option can be used as a cash amount towards the price of the ‘new’ second hand vehicle you intend to purchase.
3. Deferred payment
Drive the car you have selected immediately and use your Deal Assistance to pay your initial instalments up front. Buy now and pay later.
The deferred payment option allows you to start paying your finance instalments at a later date.
The deal assistance amount can be used to pay for your initial instalments to the finance bank upfront, anything from 1 – 8 months; the exact amount of time depends on the amount available on your specific transaction and deal structure.
4. Cash back
Get your Deal Assistance amount back in cash to use for your personal needs, be it a holiday, settle outstanding accounts, home renovations etc.
The cash back option allows you as a car buyer the flexibility to use the amount in other ways. Good ways to put this option to use could go towards a student loan or school fees, settling your high interest personal loans, and generally paying off outstanding debts. This means you are not obligated to use the money towards the purchase of a vehicle. You’re also able to buy a better-quality vehicle because you’ve alleviated your other expenses.
Auto Pedigree gives you the choice to use the amount in any way you want.
5. Any combination of the above
Combine some or all of the above Deal Assistance options to suit your needs.
Is Deal Assistance available on all vehicles?
Auto Pedigree sales representatives will advise you on which vehicles have Deal Assistance and what the specific value of the Deal Assistance is. You can lodge an enquiry online or visit your nearest branch.
The Auto Pedigree Difference
Buying a used vehicle from Auto Pedigree means buying peace of mind. With more than 60 branches countrywide and over 40 years of trusted sales and services. Choose from a selection of quality used late model vehicles at an affordable price through a deal structured according to your needs. Auto Pedigree offers a range of value-added products and services that maintain the value of your vehicle.