No matter how much you prepare, a driver’s test can be a very scary feeling especially if the reason you need it for is for something urgent like buying a car or a job post.
This should not scare you instead, you should be excited.
Whatever you do, just know that being prepared is the best thing you can do for yourself even when nerves start kicking in.
We’ve compiled a few tips to help in your preparation for your driver’s license test.
Timing is everything
The driving lesson process should not be rushed shares DrivingSchoolNearMe, a one-stop South African portal with best driving schools in mzansi. “Learning to drive is a time-consuming process which needs to be given the appropriate amount of time to develop through experience and countless hours of driving,” adds the hub.
Plan your money
Once you’ve decided to embark on this exciting journey, it is important to do proper calculations of all the costs that you will incur such as learner’s licence, lessons, and the K53 driver’s licence test. You do not want to stress yourself worried about finances when you should be worried about preparing for the driving license test, adds the above-mentioned hub.
Sign up for regular driving lessons
Do not take it light, regular lessons are needed in order to be prepared on the day of the drivers license test as your confidence levels would have will be boosted.
Once your confidence level has received enough boost, that will put you at ease on your big day. DrivingSchoolNearMe suggests that you, “aim for two hours of lessons per week, together with your steady learning and growing confidence your ability to remember the skills and training which you have learned will increase.”
Keep track of your progress
Make sure you take note of you progress as that will help you see that you are indeed getting better. DrivingSchoolNearMe notes that some instructors do keep a log of to remind their learners that they are getting better with each lesson.
Don’t take short cuts
Short cuts make us lazy, if you want to learn something just do it right from the get-go. WomenOnWheels, a female car advertising hub notes, “do not learn in a truck if you want to drive a car because it is “easier to pass”. Rather learn in a sign-marked driving school insured and roadworthy car which is fitted with dual controls.”
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