Purchasing your first vehicle could easily be considered one of the biggest achievements that anyone can experience.
Not only is this a sign of success, but it also marks the coming of age and financial independence, proving that you can make wise financial decisions which eventually lead to the big purchase.
However, the fact that the car has been paid for does not necessarily mean that your financial expenses concerning the vehicle are complete. While most dealerships often stick by your side by providing extra support in the form of annual servicing and the fixing of minor damages, it remains your responsibility to ensure that you do all you can to ensure that you keep your vehicle in good condition.
Among the many features that need constant attention to maintain a nice-looking appearance is your vehicle’s paint. Similar to our skin, it is important for the paint to be constantly protected to ensure that it looks as good as the day you purchased the vehicle.
Here are a few tips that you can incorporate into your car care plan to keep the paint on your car lasting longer.
Park in the shade
Popular lifestyle publication Forbes explains that it is important to find a location containing a fair amount of shade to park your vehicle.
The reason for this is to protect it from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. The publication notes that these rays can have damaging effects on the surface of your vehicle, resulting in a faded colour. It is, therefore, always ideal to seek shade in the form of a garage, a large tree or underground parking to ensure longevity.
Get a car cover
Car covers are another ideal way of protecting the vehicle from both the sun and unwanted dust. According to the above-mentioned publication, this is perfect for those who are unable to find shade for their car.
“Look for a car cover that is water-resistant yet breathable (it allows moisture to escape). Lighter colours better reflect the sun’s heat, while metallic covers are the best in the hottest climates,” suggests Forbes.
Wash and polish
German motor manufacturing company BMW has encouraged vehicle owners to be mindful of the things used to wash their cars. Things like brushes and cloths should be avoided as they often contain sand grains which act as sandpaper and cause damage to the paint.
Instead, opt for a microfibre cloth and hand wash to ensure a gentle finish. Once this is complete, give the car a polish.
“Car polish contains micro-fine abrasives. They gently clean the paint surface without damaging it. The polish simultaneously preserves the freshened paint and protects it against the weather,” explains BMW.
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