3 Reasons to buy a car from Auto Pedigree Now is the right time for you to buy a vehicle! Are you looking for a hatchback, consider the Kia Pi...
The Auto Pedigree Difference: Quality, Value & Choice Buying a used vehicle from Auto Pedigree means buying peace of mind. With more than 60 branches coun...
Auto Pedigree: The Variety. The Quality. And Now, The Great Deal! Get up to R50 000 Deal Assistance Deal Assistance is a benefit offered by Auto Pedigree to provide y...
Top 7 essential tools to carry in your car Whether you on the long road or in the neighbourhood, you want to reach destination safely. However,...
6 tips to safely start your car after it’s been parked during lockdown In preparation for your next drive, here are 6 tips to safely start your car after it's been parked ...
5 tips to maintain your car during the lockdown Follow these tips to maintain your car during the lockdown.
5 lockdown driving car maintenance tips Here are 5 things by Vuyi Mpofu to keep in mind when driving during the lockdown period.
6 driving habits that could be damaging your car There are plenty of driving habits that can affect your vehicle’s reliability over time.
Motorbike ride to Lesotho Our motoring expert and learner biker Vuyi Mpofu set off to Lesotho and tells us all about it. A we...
Your 2020 Driving resolutions The beginning of the year is a great time to recommit to new habits, particularly those relating to ...
Prepare to be Amaze-d The Honda Amaze is more than just a car, it defines all that a compact sedan should be.