October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we chat to Avon ambassador Pabi Moloi about health and the part she will be playing during this month.
By: Keletso Modisakeng
Pictures: Pabi Instagram and supplied
1.What is health to you?
Health is spiritual, emotional and physical well-being. My focus is to stay well in this very crazy world.
2. Are you proud of your health choices and lifestyle now? If not, how would you change it?
I am the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life. I think my diet is perfect all the time, but I indulge in fried chicken if I feel like it.
3. What can you say about breast cancer?
I work closely with the iThemba Foundation through my Avon ambassadorship. I know that being in touch with one’s own health is the most important factor. I have learnt that early detection is of vital importance. Knowing your own body can save your life!
4. What does the iThemba Walkathon mean to you?
I love the iThemba Walkathon! It is such a phenomenal day in that we get to hear stories of survivors of various cancers, celebrate the lives of our friends and family whom we lost and get to learn more about our incredible NGO partners who make a difference in the lives of millions.
5. What are some of your highlights from the previous walks?
Dalmatians dressed in pink tutus, hearing survivor stories, singing at the Cape Town walk; there are countless memories!
6. What are you looking forward to this year?
This year is a massive anniversary for the walkathon, which is in its 10th year! I’m confident we’re going to break all records of attendance!
7. Any tips to apply before the race?
Bring sun hats and sunscreen. It’s a hot day!
8. Cancer is still a sickness people don’t talk about, how can communities change that?
This is exactly what our breast cancer community educators do. They speak about breast cancer and the stigma attached to it, specifically in our rural communities. iThemba and the Breast Health Foundation have educators in Sedibeng, KZN and Western Cape. Visit www.mybreast.org.za for more.