Although it is an exciting journey, becoming a mother can be equally terrifying and definitely a learn-on-the-job type of gig.
As a beginner, you undoubtedly have a question or two about how to go about certain things. Here is a list of 5 helpful tips to keep in mind as a new mom:
1. Postpartum baby blues are normal
Baby blues is a simpler term for the hormonal changes that women experience after childbirth. According to March of Dimes, 4 out of 5 mothers experience the baby blues and experience them for approximately two weeks. Anything longer is claimed to be a reason to check for postpartum depression, which is more serious.
The publication claims that the six-week postpartum appointment is extremely important, as it helps check how your body handles the stress of giving birth.
2. Ask for help, often
Parenthood is often stressful and overwhelming, and the role of primary carer often falls on the mother. It is therefore important, as a new mother, to be comfortable enough to ask for help and for a break when you feel you need one. Child physician experts at Kids Health state that “an important part of caring for a newborn is to also take care of yourself.”
Oftentimes, asking for a helping hand is difficult, as we are scared to be a burden to others. However, it is stated that new mothers get a universal unspoken pass and can ask for help when necessary, so there is no need to feel embarrassed.
3. Trust your maternal instincts
Unfortunately, reading all the parenting books and blogs will not prepare you enough for parenthood. However, you have a built-in guide that will help you navigate each challenge as it comes. The March of Dimes publication mentions that sometimes you will overreact or underreact. Your gut is as trustworthy as the books that you’re reading; do not be afraid to follow and trust it.
“You do know what’s best for your baby. Sort through the mountains of advice you’ll receive from friends, relatives, strangers, doctors, magazines, and parenting blogs. Try out new ideas that sound good to you. Toss the rest,” states William James College experts.
4. Books or the internet do not have all the answers
Although the internet and books are useful resources for learning about parenthood, they are not the answer to all your problems. Therefore, when researching a specific topic, ensure that you are using credible sources, and if possible, consult your baby’s paediatrician about it. Health Partners also strongly suggest talking to other mothers.
Joining a new parents group is also highly suggested by experts at William James College, as it helps with feeling less lonely.
5. Do not compare your journey with anyone else’s
As mentioned countless times, parenthood is not easy. It is also not a linear journey, and everyone’s looks different. As a new mom, you look forward to seeing your child reach milestones while they continue to grow. According to Health Partners, “It is crucial to not compare your child’s development to anyone else and be careful of adopting habits because other parents are doing the same.”
Matters such as breastfeeding your child or giving them a pacifier are up to you as the parent to make the decision. Each child is different and reacts differently to each situation.
Also see: Tips for a fast C-Section recovery