A parent’s role in a children’s development is very important. Both parents equally play a significant role in nurturing, supporting, protecting and grooming their child into happy and emotionally stable individual.
The absence of a father in a child’s life can have negative behavioural consequences and may lead to trauma which later affects the child’s life. All Pro Dad shares some of the challenges a child growing up without a father may later face in life.
Relational and Behavioural Issues – Kids who grow up without a father often struggle socially. Feeling rejected by their dad, they fear abandonment and struggle with trust, commitment, and intimacy. A father’s absence also often leads to behavioural problems. Kids don’t know how to process their anger or anxiety, especially if they have a diminished ability to communicate, so they lash out. Ultimately, this continues to negatively affect their relationships.
Decreased Communication Ability – In the earliest years, a child with both a mother and a father experience a lot more communication than a child who doesn’t have a present dad. The child has more direct communication, which includes more than just words: facial expressions, vocal tones, gestures. With a dad present, the child receives double the communication. But he or she will also witness communication between the parents.
Mental Health – Children with an absent father grow up without the sense of security a dad provides. A dad’s presence and love give us a greater understanding of our identity and sense of belonging. When it’s absent, it can leave our world feeling shattered and unstable. Due to this fact, children with absent fathers suffer from anxiety and depression in far larger numbers than children with a present mom and dad.
Sexual Health Behaviour – Due to the fact that children with absent fathers have decreased development in their prefrontal cortex, they can be impulsive. Their ability to see the long-term consequences of their actions is debilitated. Many engage in sexual activity at young ages, which can have dire consequences, including teen pregnancy. Girls growing up without a father can develop an attachment disorder and see sex as a way to fulfil a male connection.
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