Avoid Burning Out

Being a working mother is no walk in the park. Whether you’re married or a single parent, we all face the same struggles when it comes to parenting. Mothers are always afraid and ashamed of speaking out because we don’t want to appear as weak.

Here are 5 tips on how to avoid stress and burn out as you balance motherhood and your career.


Don’t bring your work home

Never combine work time with home time. You will have more time for motherhood by spending time with your kids, instead of spending the weekend in bed glued to your laptop.

Involve your child in your work

If your work allows it, take your child to work or get them to help you with some duties. This way, you impress upon them the idea of an independent woman from an early age and you still get your job done.

Make some me time

Place yourself higher on the priority list than your job and your child. It does seem selfish but it’s healthy. If you aren’t happy and energised then you won’t be able to give happiness. Create time for your hobbies or self-pampering time. Remember that a happy mum leads to a happy child.

Accept help

It took me some time, but I eventually realised being supermom does not mean doing everything on my own. Allow your mother, siblings and friends to help you with the baby; whether it’s babysitting for an hour or dropping your kid off at your grandmother’s house, do it! Being a great mum doesn’t mean being a lone mum, and your child can never get enough love, so don’t be embarrassed about reaching out for help.

Accept your imperfections

You were never meant to a perfect mom. Accept the fact that you will make mistakes and will fail at some things because you are human. Start off by not comparing yourself with friends or celebrity mothers you idolise, and focus on yourself and what’s best for your child.