Yep, parental burnout is a real thing.
Raising children is not an easy job.
Though parents are superhumans, they too get tired from the neverending duties of parenthood. From feeding the baby throughout the night, to attending sports games at schools it should be no shock that they’ll eventually burn out.
Help Guide defines burnout as a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.
According to research, parental burnout is unique and it’s important to identify it at the early stages in order to avoid it.
Everything revolves around your children, however with that comes stress, exhaustion and sleepless nights.
Therefore, it’s normal to experience parental burnout, you are not a bad parent for feeling like you need a break from the kids.
When you feel burnt out or are on the verge of parental burnout, The Health Site suggests these tips to help ease the burn out:
- What used to soothe and heal your tired body before children? Find that and get back to it. Being a parent does not mean neglecting the things that once mattered to you. If it’s painting, find time to do it every once in a while.
- Go for a massage
- Go out with your friends, spend time with them and get your mind off the children for a while.
- Book a holiday, this can either be a solocation or even baecation.
Taking some time off from the baby will be healthy for both you and the children. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle your next parenting task.
Also see: How to help kids and their parents deal with mental health