It is imperative to teach children to be responsible while they are young. This will allow them to be independent and complete many tasks on their own in life.
While it is also okay for them to be dependent on their parents, they have to know that their parents might not always be there for them thus it becomes very important for them to be responsible on their own.
Baby centre suggests these tips for parents on how they can teach their children to be more responsible:
Set age-appropriate tasks
Think of something you know your child can do without too much difficulty, so that they are likely to succeed at it. Give them clear instructions about what you want them to do, so they know exactly what’s expected of them.
Show and tell
When you give your child a job to do, explain it in simple terms. For example, if you’re asking them to set the table, start them off by setting one plate yourself: “Look how I’m putting one plate on the table, in front of the chair.”
Work, then play
Although your child still has a short attention span, you can start to teach them to get chores out of the way before relaxing or having fun. They will get the message when you say, “Yes, I want to take you to the park! But first we need to clear up after lunch.”
Be friendly and matter-of-fact about it, and admit that you prefer the fun, too. Show them that you’re not being bossy, just expecting them to behave responsibly, in the same way you do yourself.
Make chores fun
We all enjoy tasks more when they’re fun and social. Your child loves spending time with you, and may not see emptying the tumble dryer as a chore. It’s fun to pull out warm, fluffy clothes and pile them in a basket! If you’re tidying up toys, have a race to see who can put away the most blocks.
Avoid threats
Make it clear to your child that he has to follow certain rules, but explain it to them in a positive way, without threats or ultimatums. If your child says.
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