How to handle a child’s lying addiction Children are precious gifts and the thought of them growing to develop bad habits is something many ...
The developmental benefits of handing your child chores Chores are a fundamental aspect of a child’s upbringing, which instils a sense of responsibility a...
Internet users shocked as mother details her R7400 monthly expenditure on her baby TikTok users reacted to a young mother as she shared how much her monthly expenditure is for her son...
WATCH: Woman rides bicycle with daughter whilst wearing heels A TikTok video of a mother riding a bicycle with her toddler daughter at the back whilst wearing hee...
Tips on encouraging your toddler to walk Nothing brings parents more joy than seeing their little ones develop through the various stages of ...
How to deal with a child that’s a picky eater With some children becoming picky eaters as they grow, it may require parents to learn to accommodat...
5 Important things you shouldn’t hide from your kids Growing up, there were a lot of things that were hidden from me, all in the name of protecting my li...
Mother arrested after allowing 5-year-old daughter to wax nude women An American woman has been arrested after she allegedly shared videos of her five-year-old performin...
WATCH: Woman shares kids cut up money stored in piggy bank In today’s economy, saving every rand for a rainy day counts, and you would think that storing...
Compliments to shower your kids with Parenting requires us to be conscious of how and what we say to our kids, as that can play a major r...
Top summer sports perfect for your child Summer is the season to get your children outside and active. The sun shines earlier, the birds sing...
WATCH: Mom uses shopping bags to cover son’s school books It is back to school and parents are still finishing up everything that is required from them statio...