No parent wants to struggle late at night when putting the children to bed, especially when it comes to our mischievous toddlers!
Sleep, Love and Happiness notes that it is understandable for many parents to rush through the bedtime routine to get their children to go to bed.
WebMD lists these tips to help make bedtime easier not only for you but your kids too:
Turn off all screens
It is important to switch off all electronic devices and TVs. Any genres of entertainment (such as horrors, suspense or drama) makes it difficult for children to calm down for bed, even calm content interferes with their sleep.
The screen light from the devices tricks the body into thinking that it is daytime. Therefore, quiet offscreen activities like reading or drawing are better before bedtime.
Stick to a sleeping routine
Although children cannot tell the time, their bodies surely can. Having your children go to bed at the same time, every time helps them physically and mentally get into their sleeping routine.
Make a bedtime chart for the little ones
If your toddlers see a chart, things will become much easier. Try drawing a picture of a bath, pyjamas, teeth brushing and books for story time.
Cut the cooldrink and caffeine
These drinks can make your kids jumpy, making it hard for their bodies to slow down before bedtime. This is something you definitely do not want to experience late at night.
Also see: How to get your kids to eat more veggies