In life we often come across the saying, “Show me your friends, and I’ll Show you your future.” While many people often choose to ignore this statement, it is one that carries a lot of significance.
As human beings, no man is an Island, meaning that each one of us need people in our lives that will propel us to becoming better versions of ourselves – who better than our friends?
Here are 4 types of friends that every person needs to get to the next level in their life.
Covenant Friend
Your covenant friend is what many would refer to as your “ride or die.” This is the kind of friend that will be with you in the midst of troubled times as well as the good ones.
The Mentor
There are times in life where you may need a real mentor who guides you in the right direction. Style Craze – a health and wellness website – highlights that this is the friend who knows how to listen, yet inspires you to be better. Your conversations with them helps you to think positively and move in the right direction. They may not share the same ideology, occupation, or hobbies with you. But their thoughts always inspire you to do great things.
Your confidant is often the one that you can share your wins with or who you can go when making personal life decisions with. They have the ability to listen and leave their own opinions aside when all you need is to pour your heart and soul out.
Hospitable Friend
All of us go through tough times and work challenges. This is why having a hospitable friend is important. They are the ones who cares about your wellbeing and checks up 0on you. According to motivational speaker Ryan Stephans, this friend has a sincere desire to delve into your heart and find out if you are really emotional and spiritually okay.
Also see: 4 Ways to spot one-sided friendships