Where your child’s hair is concerned, keeping it protected and healthy during the cold season is of paramount importance. Not only for its protection but also as a way to cement the importance of taking good care of their hair.
The cold dry season can starve your child’s hair, leaving it dry, dehydrated and coarse, therefore extra measures have to be taken to keep their hair healthy.
Protecting your kid’s hair in winter also helps them not deal with combing hair on cold days or applying cold hair moisturisers.
Let us look at five hairstyles that your child can try this winter.
Beaded Cornrows – Let’s face it, kids love beads and the little sounds they make. So, why not add beads to your kid’s cornrows as a way to let them stand out while growing their hair? Just For Girls Saloon suggests you make it fun by allowing your daughter to pick the beads she would like to have on her cornrows. This will also boost her confidence in her decision-making abilities.
French Braids – Braids might take longer than other hairstyles to put on but they are one of the hairstyles that last longer. Kids hair specialist, at Natural Hair Kids shares that parents love braids for low maintenance and versatility. These braids can be tied in a pony, left hanging or even tied on the sides.
Twist Out – Parents whose kids have natural hair can opt for a twist out. This is an easy hairstyle that will protect your child’s hair and leave them feeling and looking good shares Natural Hair Kids.
Box Braids – Box braids are not quicker to install, but they’ll look beautiful on your child while protecting their hair. This hairstyle also allows your child to express their creative side by styling them in different ways. Kids Saloon Just For Girls Saloon adds, “When you have gone with box braids, having different ways to style them besides leaving them down helps your child with self-expression while teaching her how to care for her hair.”
Asymmetrical cornrows – You can never go wrong with cornrows, as they are a classic hairstyle. Hair stylists often channel their creative side to come up with designs that kids will love. One of those is cornrows created with an asymmetrical look in mind. Just For Girls Saloon adds, “They can all go diagonal, or create unique patterns your kids will be excited to show off.”
Also see: WATCH: Sbahle Mzizi promotes her new kids’ hair salon ‘Sbahle Siyakhula’