We live in one of the most beautiful countries in the whole world, filled with a rich history of resilience, perseverance and a strong determination that for saw black South African’s triumph over the apartheid regime to form a democratic government.
Since 1994, when for the first time all South Africans were allowed to cast their vote regardless of their skin colour, there has been a lot of decline in the number of voters who register to vote each election year.
Engaging in conversations around voting since 2024 each year leaves me worried, as some express no interest in voting, giving many reasons that are service delivery related. On social media, there are also many who show little to no interest in helping shape the country by casting their vote.
Below are five reasons why it is important for you to cast your vote during this year’s elections.
– Democracy needs you! – “democracy only works if people participate,” shares the IEC, a functional body created by the constitution of the Republic of South Africa to manage free and fair elections at all levels of government. By not taking part in the voting process, democracy will not thrive.
– Voting is an opportunity for change – only through voting are we able to retain our government in office if they are performing well or get them out of office if they are unable to perform their duties best. It is thus important to take part in the selection process of who you think is better suitable to lead the country.
– Not voting is giving up your voice – by choosing not to vote you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to have the say on matters concerning the country its citizens.
– It’s your money – your taxes contribute towards the running of the country; therefore, use you vote to determine how and who handles them share the electoral body.
– Every vote counts – there is not a single vote that is not important during elections as each vote has the ability to change the country for the better, so do the right thing shares Young Independence a youth media platform that covers socio-economic and political news, present solutions to lifestyle and career tips.
Also see: All you need to know ahead of IEC Registration weekend