Keeping ourselves warm with heaters in winter has gotten very prices as the price of electricity units has many mzansi citizens struggling to keep up with house-hold expenses. The electricity unit price is just half of our problems, the main problem is having electricity as load shedding sometimes reaches stages where it returns more than once away.
An affordable and practical way to beat the cold weather that if properly secured can be very safe is, is a hot water bottle. This potable heating method is said to not only make us warm, but it is believed to have other benefits that many might not know of.
Let us look at a few benefits of investing in a hot water bottle.
Pain and ache relief – When hot or warm water is added to the hot water bottle, it can relieve arthritic joint pain and soothe muscle tension. The Hot Water Bottle Shop shared that there are hot water bottles that can also be used for “cold therapy”, the hub does caution buyers to read the instructions carefully for the bottle’s functionalities.
Mental well-being: Reduce stress and anxiety – With warm being said to promote circulation in the body, the hot water bottle is believed to aid in soothing nerves, therefore receiving stress, as well as the warmth of a hot water bottle is believed by many to help calm you down, soothe nerves and reduce stress. This is partly because the heat promotes circulation around the body, sharing the Hot Water Bottle Shop.
A ticket to a good night’s sleep – On a cold winter evening, snuggling in warmth is many people’s one-way ticket to good sleep. The above-mentioned hub adds, “Simply slide a warm hot water bottle between your sheets, 10-15 minutes before you plan to go asleep, to create a cocoon of warmth that facilitates a good night’s sleep. Don’t forget to take it out before hopping in.”
Aid with digestion – I bet for many it may sound absurd to associate hot water bottles with helping with digestive issues. According to LivingHealthyLifestyle a lifestyle hub, a hot water bottle may be able to help when a person suffers from a bloated stomach. Digestive problems which lead to a bloated stomach occur when a person consumes foods that have either expired or foods that the body rejects. “By applying the heat from a water bottle after eating, you can increase hydrochloric acid production, helping your digestion. The heat can help to relax your muscles and ease any discomfort you may be experiencing, adds the hub.
Cost-effective heating – With the use of a hot water bottle you are bound to save a lot of money. The nice thing about this portable warming tool is that it can be used anywhere anytime, adds the Hot Water Bottle Shop.
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