As you lay your head to rest after a busy day to get a good night’s sleep, do you find yourself interrupted by the sound of what seems to be someone sawing wood next to you?
If your answer is yes, you are in luck as it is possible to block out the sound of the snorer lying next to you.
Below are a few tips for you to implement.
Listen to white noise
Invest in a white noise machine to mask the sound of your partner’s snoring, suggests comprehensive health information hub Sleep Foundation. The machine can be placed next to the bed. Alternatively, if you do not have a white noise machine, you can use smartphone apps that play white noise.
The info hub also notes, “While research has not shown that white noise improves sleep, white noise does not appear harmful to sleepers. Keep in mind that white noise could interfere with noises that may be important to hear, like a crying baby or a morning alarm.

Don’t focus on the sound of snoring
While this may seem easier said than done, the health and wellness publication Healthline shares that it is possible to put the power of the mind to work and train yourself to ignore your partner’s snoring. Strategies to consider include meditation, listening to a podcast, or listening to a guided or mindfulness meditation.
Go to bed before the snorer
Although it has not been studied, Sleep Foundation notes that it is possible that someone in a deeper stage of sleep may not be easily woken up by snoring.

Use earplugs
Sleep Foundation shares that in a study of couples where one partner snored, the use of earplugs improved perceived snoring severity and the sleep-related quality of life.
Sleep in a different room
When all else fails, you may have to relocate to another room to get the rest you deserve. “If you’re feeling lonely, though, be sure to let your partner know that you’d rather be together. This can encourage them to make adjustments,” shares Healthline.
Also see: Signs of sleep disorder