The high-pitched whine of a mosquito is enough to send anyone running for cover, but these pesky insects can be more than just a nuisance.
Cleanipedia, a website for cleaning problems, using simple and practical guides to help solve all household mishaps says that mosquitoes can carry serious diseases, making it important to take steps to keep them away from your home.
Here are a five home remedies that may help to keep mosquitoes away suggested by the above-mentioned source:
- Place a fan in the room, as mosquitoes don’t like strong air currents.
- Mix apple cider vinegar and water and spray it around your home to repel mosquitoes.
- Add a few drops of lemon eucalyptus oil to a diffuser to help keep mosquitoes away.
- Plant basil, catnip, or marigolds in your garden, as these plants are known to repel mosquitoes.
- Put a few cloves of garlic in a pan of water and boil it to make a natural mosquito repellent.
As much as the above remedies may help you keep mosquitos away, wikiHow, a worldwide collaboration of people focused on teaching anyone in the world how to do anything, advises that you should also use the following ways to protect yourself from mosquitoes:
- Wear light-coloured clothing to make it harder for them to find you.
- Avoid areas where mosquitoes are likely to be found, such as standing water or dense vegetation.
- Make sure that your windows and doors are screened so that mosquitoes can’t get inside.
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