The workplace is an environment in which one needs to be on top of their game. It is a requirement that may sound a bit unrealistic because you should be able to make mistakes to grow.
However, some mistakes have the potential of jeopardising your growth and that is why it is of utmost importance that you avoid making them.
Here are some examples of these mistakes:
According to Andrew McCaskill, a career expert with LinkedIn, “One of the biggest mistakes you can make when starting a new job is not asking enough questions and trying to handle everything by yourself.”
Amy Mosher, chief people officer at isolved states that comparing your current employer to your previous one is another mistake you should avoid because it could give a negative impression to your company and coworkers.
The chief people officer also adds that a lack of understanding about your new role, your new employer, or the executives of your new company can affect your growth and onboarding process.
According to BigInterview, the most important mistake to avoid is not taking responsibility for your errors. It is said that avoiding the acceptance of accountability for actions that could impact your reputation may be a natural reaction, but taking responsibility is regarded as a valuable trait in the workplace.
Mistakes are meant to be learned from, and accepting responsibility for your actions, resolving the issue, and demonstrating your worth will reflect much more positively on you than trying to hide or shift the blame, the source mentioned above further adds.