There are many benefits that medical and health experts have declared effective for taking an ice bath. However, is it ideal for everyone to jump in a bathtub full of freezing water or is it just for certain people?
Let’s first look at some of the benefits of were shared with the Healthline publication by the orthopaedic surgeon, Dr A. Brion Gardner. They include:
Eases painful muscles: The doctor mentioned above states that the ice immersion might help soothe painful, burning muscles after an intense workout.
Enhances your central nervous system: According to Brion, taking an ice bath can also benefit your central nervous system by promoting sleep, which will improve your mood by reducing weariness. Furthermore, he claims that it can enhance energy and response time in subsequent exercises.
Controls the inflammatory reaction: According to Healthline, the notion is that after exercise, lowering the local temperature helps minimise the inflammatory response, reducing inflammation and speeding up your recovery.
Lessens the impact of humidity and heat: The effects of humidity and heat can be lessened by taking an ice bath, states the orthopaedic surgeon.
All this is good and well but, not all that is good is good for you, right? Here is what experts say about who shouldn’t participate in this extreme activity.
The health publications suggest that people with the following conditions should avoid ice baths. The first one is sensitivity to cold water.
Heart diseases: The Everday Health publication states that those with heart, blood pressure, or circulatory problems should not try cold water therapy without first consulting their doctor, because of the strain it can put on the heart and blood vessels.
Diabetes: According to the Mayo Clinic, before attempting cold water therapy, those with nerve diseases such as diabetic neuropathy (a form of nerve damage that can occur in persons with diabetes) should consult their doctor. Rochester Regional Health states that if you have nerve problems, the cold may cause damage to your body’s sensory nerves, possibly paralysing you.
Open wound: The Medical News Today publication suggested again an ice bath if you have an open wound or blistering skin.
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