Nail biting is a common and often hard-to-break habit. But it doesn’t have to be a lifelong struggle.
If you’re looking for ways to kick the habit, here are five proven strategies that can help, as suggested by Good Housekeeping, a publication that focuses on home improvement and lifestyle topics, and the health-focused publication Mayo Clinic:
- Keep your nails trimmed short and filed smooth.
- Try to identify the triggers that cause you to bite your nails and find ways to avoid them.
- Keep your hands occupied with something else, like a stress ball or fidget spinner.
- Use a bitter-tasting nail polish or bitter-tasting hand lotion to discourage biting.
- Reward yourself for abstaining from biting your nails.
Mayo Clinic says that nail biting is often a nervous habit, something people do unconsciously when they are feeling anxious or stressed.
“It can also be a way to cope with boredom or to relieve feelings of frustration or anger. Some people may also find the act of biting their nails satisfying or soothing, or they may not even be aware that they are doing it,” adds the above-mentioned source.
Although nail biting is a habit that can be difficult to break, it is not impossible. By identifying your triggers, finding ways to keep your hands busy, and rewarding yourself for abstaining from biting, you can slowly but surely kick the habit. And once you do, you’ll have healthier, more beautiful nails to show for it.
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