Every relationship has that honeymoon phase where you both can’t get enough of each other, you wish you could spend all eternity looking at each others’s eyes and its all nice and cute.
You would think that when your partner constantly tracks where you are and with who is them being caring but there’s a point where it gets too much.
There’s a way you can differentiate between love and obsession in your relationship. Love is kind and soft, whereas obsession is controlling and compulsive.
The following are some of the signs that indicate an element of obsession in a relationship, and if your partner displays them, seek help.
They insist on knowing your whereabouts
When your lover calls to see how you’re doing after a late workday, consider it a sign of love and care. However, the Mom Junction states that it’s an obsession if they call you a lot, even when they know you’re out with your friends. “They want to keep a tab on you and even feel upset when you fail to answer them. They check on you more out of addiction and less out of care.”
They control your whole life
The above publication also mentions that if your partner makes all of the decisions and is the only one who consults with you, this is a sign of compulsive behaviour. They want to rule you and your life, and that is not love.
Extremely possessive
According to Style Craze, the difference between love and obsession is measured by a partner’s possessiveness. “In love, a little possessiveness is natural. But obsessive love does not work that way. An obsessive partner will show over-possessiveness and constantly feel scared of losing you to someone else.” Furthermore, it is stated that a jealous and obsessed partner can create unhealthy and toxic expectations, making it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship.
They stalk you
Mom Junction also mentions that if your partner frequently visits your office without informing you, it indicates love and surprise. If they frequently visit without informing, they may be obsessed with you and may even stalk you online. ” They might even stalk you online and get angry when someone from the other sex likes or comments on your pictures or posts.”
They neglect others
Obsessive partners often neglect their loved ones due to their intense devotion one person, causing them to neglect their family and friends, states Style Craze. “Even if they are with their family or friends, they will constantly keep a check on you. They might even object when you choose to be with anyone, even your loved ones and family, over them, making you feel uneasy with the compulsion.”
Also see: This is why healthy fights are important in relationships