Cape Town athletes gear up to join the Nude olympics

Cape Town is about to host the most liberating (and probably hilarious) sporting event in history: the Nude Olympics. Yes, you read it correctly. The first Nude Olympics in South Africa will take place in June, ahead of the official 2024 Olympics, at The Sex Expo in Cape Town. And, let’s be honest, it’s going to be a sight to behold.

Picture this: Men and women from all over Cape Town competed in their birthday suits. There are no fancy uniforms or restrictive sports gear—only pure, unadulterated nudity. The Nude Olympics are set to redefine the term ‘free-spirited’ as competitors leap, sprint, and tumble naked.

The event will feature a variety of sports, including the long jump. Imagine the suspense as competitors soar through the air, only gravity holding them down.

But it is not all giggles and gasps. The Nude Olympics aim to celebrate the human body in all of its natural beauty. It is a strong statement against body shaming, as well as a joyful embrace of our naked selves. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to get rid of those pesky tan lines.

So, why should you attend? Aside from the obvious entertainment value, the Nude Olympics provide an excellent opportunity to see sportsmanship in its most raw form. Competing naked is profoundly liberating, as is watching it.

Sarah Dean, organiser of The Sex Expo, is thrilled about the addition of the Nude Olympics to this year’s line-up.

“The Nude Olympics perfectly aligns with the ethos of The Sex Expo. We are all about celebrating the human body, embracing our natural selves, and having a really fun time doing it. We want everyone to feel free and empowered to participate, whether as an athlete or a spectator,” said Sarah.

The Nude Olympics is hosted on the opening day of The Sex Expo at the CTICC from 27 to 30 June. Other highlights at The Sex Expo Cape Town include; world famous penile artist, Pricasso, back-to-back titillating stage shows and entertainment, over 100 exhibitors showcasing the latest and best in adult fun, revue lounges, the Naked Casino, and lots more.

Registration for the Nude Olympics is now open. Whether you’re ready to bare all for gold or a curious spectator eager for a once-in-a-lifetime show, the Nude Olympics promises to be an event you won’t soon forget. To register for the Nude Olympics, or more information, visit

Completed by Murray Swart

First published by Cape Town etc

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