Parenting requires us to be conscious of how and what we say to our kids, as that can play a major role in how they turn out.
While kids sometimes make our heads dizzy by getting us all worked up, we do need to acknowledge their good conduct in an encouraging way, as that helps build their character.
If you, this newly started year want to try and shower your kids with more compliments, you might want to try the few below.
Reassure them of your love – actions speak louder than words, but often you do have to express your love in words as they carry a strong meaning, MindfulAmazing, a source designed to help parents, teachers, and practitioners raise mindful, resilient, and confident kids suggest words such as, “there is nothing in the whole world that could stop me or keep me from loving you.”
Complement their art – as that motivates them to continue trying. The above-mentioned source suggests words such as, “Your creativity shines through in this picture (story, piece of art, or something they have done.)”

Motivate them to help with house chores – motivate even the smallest contribution to the house chores as that gives them confidence to continue with them, an example of words to use would be, “It’s so helpful when you put your dishes in the sink. You do a good job of helping to keep things clean,” shares HappierHuman a platform dedicated to enhancing happiness and well-being.
Compliment them for finishing their food – kids often don’t like food, especially vegetables. A little motivation might go a long way in getting them to like the foods they don’t like. HappierHuman suggests saying, “Thank you for always eating all your vegetables. If you keep this up, you will be a healthy and strong adult’.
Also see: How angry parenting can affect your child