One bride-to-be is left heartbroken after her father refused to pay for her wedding unless she made the entire event vegan.
According to News24, the woman took to her social media, where she explained that her father’s views on veganism were influenced by his girlfriend.
Not only did the bride’s dad want the food and drinks to be vegan, but guests were supposed to wear vegan clothes and shoes too, with leather items disallowed completely.
The devastated lady also took to Reddit, and she said she was upset about the entire situation and decided to uninvite her dad and his partner from her nuptials.
“About 5 years ago he started a relationship with lady with quite extreme views. She is a vegan, which is fine but she is very judgemental to how I live. She doesn’t agree with cancer scans (like smear tests, mammograms etc) because vegans “don’t get cancer”, when I had my daughter she said I should be feeding her almond milk. She once came to my house for dinner and I cooked a chicken for me and my family and a nut roast for my father and her. She later dug a hole in my garden to give the chicken bones a proper funeral because she was so “heartbroken to see us eating it’s blood and flesh”.I wish I was joking.” the woman said on Reddit.
The bride-to-be continued by saying:
“This has upset me. It’s not really about the money, we are having a very small and cheap do anyway. In the run up to the wedding this woman has also been extremely rude to my mother. On reflection I have now decided it’s best all round that they do not attend.”
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