There are many untrue theories about climate change that people have come to believe, these phenomena are usually influenced by fake social media posts, people’s fears being presented to others as facts, and a lot of other factors.
But, what are some of the real facts you know about climate change, if you are like me you might need to think back to your geography teacher’s notes in high school.
The NASA Science publication defines climate change simply as the long-term shift in average weather patterns that determine Earth’s local, regional, and global climates, which is a significant global issue.
Now, with the help of expert publications relevant to this topic, let’s tackle some of the top myths that you thought were true about climate change.
Myth: The climate has always been changing
Truth- According to Covering Climate Now, the Earth’s climate has shifted in the past, but not at this rate and that is due to the 250 years of burning fossil fuels. A 2016 Nature research found that the pace of carbon emission caused by humans now is “unprecedented during the past 66 million years.” The mentioned publication states that scientists agree that using fossil fuels has caused the climate to shift faster than it has ever done throughout human history, thereby endangering human welfare.
Myth: It’s the sun’s fault
Truth- Think Landscape states that the sun did not get any warmer, in fact, the sun’s energy has decreased since the 1980s, causing only the lower atmosphere to heat and the upper to cool. “If the sun were getting brighter, it would warm the entire atmosphere. But instead, only the lower atmosphere is getting hotter while the upper atmosphere is getting cooler. That’s because more and more heat is being trapped in the lower atmosphere by the greenhouse gases that humans are emitting.”
Myth: The effects are not noticeable
Truth- “In just forty years, the rise in temperatures is more than patent: the nine hottest years in history, since records have been kept (1880), have taken place in the last thirteen years, and since 2014, every new year has beaten the previous year’s temperature record,” states Active Sustainability. This publication argues that this has led to sea level rise, ocean acidification, increased natural disasters, climate refugees, flora and fauna destruction, and economic system destruction, which are quite recognisable effects.
Myth: Animals and plants can adapt to climate change
Truth- Climate change is predicted by the Sceptical Science publication to lead to the mass extinction of species that cannot adapt to short-term changes.
Myth: It’s no use fighting it
Truth- The UNEP’s Emissions Gap Report suggests that by cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 42% by 2030, the world can limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. It is stated that to achieve this, the world must reduce annual emissions by 22 billion tonnes in less than seven years, and by ramping up financing and focusing on low-carbon development, the world can achieve this goal.