Keeping our lady parts clean is is not only important for how we feel but our overall health. Just as parents explain to their children that they need to clean between their toes and brush their teeth, we are here to explain to that you should tend to your genitals.
Keeping your vagina clean does not require a lot, especially these ‘feminine hygiene’ products marketers shove down our throats. Here are a few practical and low cost ways to stay clean and healthy courtesy of Tampax and Healthline.
Wash your vagina everyday
One of the most crucial feminine hygiene advices is to keep yourself clean. Getting clean becomes more crucial for teenage females when they experience their periods, everyday vaginal discharge, and increased sweat production from their sweat glands. Daily cleaning of your private areas is only the first step.
Use a soft towel to dry the area
To dry off after a shower or bath, use a towel that is soft and completely dry. An important hygiene tip for girls especially is to change your towel every two to three days – and don’t share your towel with anyone else.
Wipe from front to back
This personal hygiene advice may have been given to you previously, but it’s worth repeating. Always wipe front to back, never back to front, after using the restroom! By doing this, you may be sure that no dangerous bacteria from your anus enter your vagina. If they do, these bacteria may produce an unpleasant infection, such as a urinary tract infection, which would necessitate the use of antibiotics to treat.
Wear cotton underwear
Cotton underwear is essential for maintaining healthy personal hygiene. Since cotton is a particularly permeable material, any excess moisture from perspiration or other discharge can evaporate without becoming a haven for bacteria and bad odors. This only requires that the crotch insert be composed of cotton, not the complete pair of underwear.
Drink lots of water
“You are what you eat,” is a proverb that we have all heard. In the case of your vagina, “you are what you consume.” Dehydration and sugary beverages both have the potential to disturb the bacterial balance in your vagina. If you want to help your body flush out toxins and maintain your vagina healthy and clean, make sure to drink lots of water.
Incorporate these intimate hygiene tips into your life in order to keep your vagina clean and healthy.
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