It is sometimes difficult to find balance between work and social life, especially if one has a demanding job.
Often, we tend to neglect the social part of life and put more focus on our careers as we want to climb the corporate ladder in pursuit of the ultimate “soft life.”
Not being able to balance the two might end up leaving you fatigued, stressed and out of touch with your friends and loved ones.
Finding balance between these social aspects is very important. Jacob Mullis, VBA Excel Expert shares the following reasons why it is important to have a social life.
Gives you more opportunities – Jacob states, “Everything in life involves communicating with people, the better you are at that the more doors are open for you. You will have more job offers, find it easier to get an apartment, reaching your life goals in general and learn from people who can help you even further. That is why social intelligence is one of the most valuable skills to have.”
Gives you better life quality – Having people to share the good and bad with makes life better. Jacob adds. “If you don’t have a social life but are too focused on your career, it will come back to you years from now and you will be feeling that you have missed out on a lot of great things. It’s possible to have a great career and a social life. You just have to make time for it.”.
Gives you self-confidence – Having good friends is good for one’s confidence, Jacob shares that, ” Self-confidence comes from experiences, so if you have a great social life where you get to know a lot of people and share funny moments with your friends, that will have a huge impact on your self-confidence.”
Improves your dating life – Though there are many ways to meet a potential friend or lover, having a good social life makes it even easier.
Living longer and happier life – Having friends is an important part of being alive. Jacob shares states that according to the “2005 Australian Longitudinal Study of Aging the health risk of having few friends was similar to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and more dangerous than being obese or not exercising in terms of decreasing your lifespan.”
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